Distinct Thoughts
About Distinct Thoughts
Distinct Thoughts was created to connect with others emotionally and visually. I want to inspire whomever comes across me. Through my highest energy, personality and my own creativity. You will be seeing a cycle of different things that I find inspiring and beautiful.
Call it what you will, I call it my life’s perspective. A lifestyle blog with my unique fashion style, photography, ART, interior design, the beauty of food, health and fitness, travel and motivational quotes. I’ll probably be connecting and creating along the way, things that I have not yet listed here.
About Me
My name is Lili, 30 years of life journeys currently living in Austin, Texas. I’m originally from Monterrey, Mexico. Creative at heart, mi amor resides in all art forms. I see beauty everywhere which sometimes makes my life a little messy. I find everything so distracting and beautiful. One day I feel like the goddess who puts her mind into things and feels she has everything it takes to change herself, the world & others. I continue to create new adventures for myself. I haven’t mastered a skill or talent fully but I love everything about me. I learn with my changes, experiences and my daily life.
I started with a design major; Interior Design. Interior design, photography & fashion will forever hold my heart. My goal now is to gain confidence, in whatever it is I put my mind into. Writing has always been challenging and being a “pro” does not run through my blood. Just a heads up if you see any ‘flaws’ just go with the flow and vibe with me. I’m just here to have fun.
Let’s vibe together & love deeply!
Distinct Thoughts| L.T