WOW, I’m back!!!
After nearly two years of absence on my blog, here I am!
I’m beyond shocked how much I left on pause for a almost two years! Guys, I’M 30! and so much has changed! There is so much to catch up on..
Honestly, although there was so much growth, there were also hardships. I’ve managed to survive a pandemic and lose track of my true passions (yep, that happens to the best of us). I’ve also been chasing a corporate lifestyle and to be completely transparent, I HATE IT.
Enough, with the negativity of things! I seriously could not be more excited to be connecting and inspiring you all. Now that I am in my beautiful 30’s, my body and mind have been transforming, blooming in a way that is natural and pure gold. It’s a gentle love, but also bold and strong. Clarity to it’s finest! Although I paused my favorite part of me, my creative side, I never really lost it. It has been there all along waiting patiently for me.
For my 30TH birthday I wanted a photo shoot. Here is what we captured on October 22, 2020.